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Главная » 2012 » Март » 25 » Website - портфолио-тема для WordPress
Website - портфолио-тема для WordPress

Website - портфолио-тема для WordPress с адаптируемым к любым устройствам дизайном. В комплекте две цветовых схемы оформления. Есть возможность использовать неограниченное количество слайдеров и 7 форматов записей.

Website is a responsive theme, which means it adapts to the device on which it’s displayed. The theme cares for your content so it looks great on all devices, but you can also decide to show part of a content on some versions only, and hide on others. Also the portfolio is fully responsive (all types of them) and can include images, sliders or videos.

Created 3 March 12
Columns 2
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, Firefox 4, Safari 4, Safari 5, Opera, Chrome
Software Version Wordpress 3.3
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Liquid
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Widget Ready Yes

individual sliders for each page
fully responsive
auto play or auto pause at start
touch gestures on mobile devices
optional caption on banners
content may be tweaked for mobile devices
optional text for each slide (HTML supported)
optional text on banners (with customizable position)
7 post formats
8 custom widgets
Traslation to 4 languages
Galleries (4 sizes) + Fancybox
9 shortcodes
Hundreds of fonts
Smart images loading

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Категория: ThemeForest | Просмотров: 459 | Добавил: pgurov | Теги: резиновая, 2 колонки, портфолио | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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