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Главная » 2012 » Апрель » 5 » Equilibrium - портфолио тема для WordPress
Equilibrium - портфолио тема для WordPress

Equilibrium - мощная портфолио тема для WordPress. Equilibrium понадобится всем, кому необходимо срочно оформить портфолио на платформе движка WordPress. Тема предоставляет полный контроль над каждым отдельным элементом оформления.

Equilibrium is a very powerful and a highly customizable WordPress portfolio theme, aimed at anyone who needs a showcase. If you’re looking for a gorgeous portfolio theme, then you’ve just found it. You have full control over every major design element in the Equilibrium theme, but the most important thing is that it’s incredibly easy to customize everything, with the help of a powerful admin panel.

Created 31 August 11
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, Firefox 3, Firefox 4, Safari 4, Safari 5, Opera, Chrome
Software Version Wordpress 3.3, Wordpress 3.2, Wordpress 3.1
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PNG, Layered PSD, JPG Image, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Widget Ready Yes

Carefully handcrafted
Semantic, clean and valid HTML5
Coded with progessive enhancement and SEO in mind
Strong focus on user-experience, usability, and beautiful typography
WordPress 3.0+ ready (featured images, custom post types, custom menus)
Extensive, unbranded theme options
Excellent customer support
Extensive documentation
Localisation support
4 custom widgets: Twitter, Flickr, Popular Posts, Text Widget (customized For embedding videos, images, and other content.)
6 Widget areas
5 Page Templates
Custom patterns
Filterable portfolio
Column, google map, and contact form shortcodes
2, 3, 4 column portfolios (supports video)
jQuery ajax contact form
jQuery prettyPhoto lightbox
Awesome jQuery slider
Readable and well-documented code
Threaded comments
Drop-down menus
Custom default gravatar support
layered PSDs for customisation
Custom 404 page
960gs framework
Print-ready stylesheet
TimThumb php script for image resizing

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Категория: ThemeForest | Просмотров: 561 | Добавил: pgurov | Теги: minimal, светлая, портфолио | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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